Although it’s science, it’s not difficult to explain nor is it boring. Each week on betevé at Deuwatts, we manage to illuminate the spectator a little. Through documentary reports, we focus on stories that happen here in Barcelona, and we show a more accessible side to science, health and the environment.
Disorders on the autism spectrum
The idea is to do a weekly documentary that stimulates visually just as much as it does intellectually. We want to talk about science, but above all, we want to tell stories about real people.
Biel Mauri, filmmaker
As well as showing and discovering, we also think it’s necessary to teach. There’s no topic that doesn’t concern us, no far-removed problem that doesn’t affect us, we share the same space, the same time, and this makes us belong to the same society. We must get to know it and learn to understand it. And those who make up part of it are the ones who show us.

Deuwatts is science and technology, but it’s also everyday stories that move us, with authentic testimony where the protagonist could be you.
Mònica Ortiz, writer
The biochemistry of love and sex
If science is exciting, explaining it should awaken that excitement.
If science creates knowledge, explaining it should cause pleasure in that knowledge.
If science is questioning, explaining it activates critical thinking.
And it’s because scientific knowledge is one of the few antidotes we have left against dogmatism.
And that’s what we try to do each week: Anti-dogmatic audio-visual stories.
Lluís Reales, director